It is our desire to serve you with quality products, professional service and
installation, and bring you the best value we can.
We are a locally owned business that is small enough to give you personal service,
but large enough to get you the latest floor trends available.
We are a member of ‘The Flooring Network’ which is
the largest flooring buying group in the Northeast.
Along with the wide variety of products for residential and commercial applications
we also provide installation for the flooring we sell.
installation, and bring you the best value we can.
We are a locally owned business that is small enough to give you personal service,
but large enough to get you the latest floor trends available.
We are a member of ‘The Flooring Network’ which is
the largest flooring buying group in the Northeast.
Along with the wide variety of products for residential and commercial applications
we also provide installation for the flooring we sell.